GreenKidz on Bonaire

GreenKidz on Bonaire

MEDIABOX GreenKidz on Bonaire Last month, GreenKidz renewed its contacts with the waste management company Selibon on Bonaire. Together with policy officer Shunelca and PR officer Melinda, we investigated whether the Korsou Limpi textbook and accompanying Korsou Limpi...
Minister receives GreenKidz book

Minister receives GreenKidz book

MEDIABOX Minister receives GreenKidz book At the launch of the successful CTB campaign Tene Korsou Limpi Camapgne, GreenKidz guest teacher Remyson Caldera presented the GreenKidz Korsou Limpi book to the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment. The book will be made...
Teachers happy hour big success

Teachers happy hour big success

MEDIABOX Teachers happy hour big success On 21 August 2021 GreenKidz and Carmabi organised a joint Happy Teachers Hour at the Marine Education Center at Piscadera Bay. During this happy hour teachers from all 70 FO and SO schools on Curacao could pick up free lesson...
GreenKidz on Saba

GreenKidz on Saba

MEDIABOX GreenKidz on Saba At the end of July GreenKidz visited various green and educational organisations on Saba to explore opportunities for cooperation. GreenKidz talked among others with the head of the Saba Comprehensive School and the education coordinator of...
Opening Kòrsou Limpi Exhibition

Opening Kòrsou Limpi Exhibition

MEDIABOX From left to right Pierrot Hurtado, chairman Rotary Club of Curacao, Maya Mathias GreenKidzcreator, Myrthe Verhulst , chairman Curacao Clean Up, Ivonne Zegveld GreenKidzcreator, Halder Lam, chairman Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds Caribisch GebiedFotos from Max...