Educational 3D tours

Educational 3D tours

MEDIABOX Educational 3D tours To introduce students and teachers on Curacao to the unique possibilities of 3D tours, Balance Blended Learning is making a 3D tour of the Marine Education Center (MEC) on Piscaderabaai on a voluntary and free basis. This 3D tour will be...
Cooperation with UNESCO and CTB

Cooperation with UNESCO and CTB

MEDIABOX Cooperation with UNESCO and CTB In recent weeks, the GreenKidz Foundation was approached by UNESCO and CTB. Both organisations asked if GreenKidz could provide and develop ideas, information materials and teaching materials tailored to various awareness...
Kòrsou Limpi textbook and activity book

Kòrsou Limpi textbook and activity book

MEDIABOX Kòrsou Limpi textbook and activity book The past few months, GreenKidz coordinator Maya Mathias and GreenKidz designer Ivonne Zegveld worked hard on the textbook Kòrsou Limpi, which will be launched together with a creative activity book.. The development of...
GreenKidz in Savonet Museum

GreenKidz in Savonet Museum

MEDIABOX GreenKidz in Savonet Museum Together with Carmabi Education, the GreenKidz Foundation is currently working on a unique environmental project in Christoffel Park. There, a colourful KòrsouLimpi corner will be set up in the Savonet Museum, which is visited by...
Successful Coral Heroes Pilot

Successful Coral Heroes Pilot

MEDIABOX Successful Coral Heroes Pilot On 26 February 2021, the GreenKidz Carmabi team organised the first Coral Heroes trial lesson at the primary school ‘De Meander’. This lesson, which took the whole morning, was evaluated very positively by the 20...
Cooperation with the Loyd Meza Foundation

Cooperation with the Loyd Meza Foundation

MEDIABOX Cooperation with the Loyd Meza Foundation In January 2021, GreenKidz and Carmabi completed a very successful Christmas campaign, raising money among companies and individuals for their Coral Heroes project. This project raises coral awareness and encourages...